Its also essential to be clear that this isn’t a status meeting; the status is on the board, backlog and roadmap. Those are the outcomes of these meetings. The status should be visible without a meeting.
The common goal/output of the meeting is some decision on how to move forward with alignment of the participants. To set the theme and get an output of the technical meeting to be an effective one; its essential to understand the context of the meeting, and the participants.
Problems and Solutions
How to enable problem solving and know the valuable problem is being addressed? How to enable decision making so that we have a solution to work with and con move the understanding of the problem and our technical solution forward. Communication is a lot of listening and focusing on contextFocus on Context and Outputs
Meetings and the audience
For any meetings you have; take a moment to understand the Goal of the meeting, and from that it should be understood what you are working with here. Its also nice for any participants to know the context if they have some topics to bring up, or to be a listener in the background; or not participate at allDiscovery
Product discovery meetings are key to understanding user problems for features; and the deeper understanding of the technical constraints for this new feature.These could be from ideas from business, dev, product, or triaged from a customer issue or suggestion; but the rationale for adding or modifying the architecture should be rooted from something that creates value in the product.
These output to the Roadmap level, product or technical; and sometimes need a prototype or more investigation to qualify the actual goal (and motivation).
- Valuable problems
- Feature value
- Market direction
- Business Impact
- Product
- Sales
- Support
- Development
- QA
You have discovered the valuable problems and understood the value solving that problem will bring. Now its time to plan the technical solution; to creating the requirements and design for system features.
User story mapping is really helpful as this stage as it uncovers the quality attributes to support this new feature. Also at this time trade-offs are made, so be mindful of any debt you are going to put on the books. Debt is useful, but like any debt it will overwhelm you if not kept in check.
As you go a long, you will learn more, so this meeting works well as a regularly scheduled meeting. In agile this is usually a "Backlog grooming"
- Backlog items for functionality
- Technical spec
- Architecture Decision Records (ADR)
- Development
- QA
- Product
The backlog has items for the functionality and the tech spec has the designs and decisions made. Lets build this thing! This is usually called a sprint onboarding, a kick-off meeting and gets the project people involved. This is when estimation can become possible with the details of what is being made now down on paper.
- implementation Epics for some definition of done
- interfaces for implementation
- how requirements build acceptance criteria
- Devs
- QA
- project managers
- product managers
Are we releasing work to support a feature, or is this a new one? Release meetings can take on many forms. and again depends on the context. A demo is an internal release and what is in that demo can be used to form the external release. For the technical architecture, the items can be lost in favour of the functional product notes; but its important to keep the architecture in-step with the release numbers you put on the deliverableVersion the architecture with the release
- in the release notes, link to latest requirements that created that version
- Link docs describing features and acceptance criteria
- diagrams of structure
- mockups of UI and flows
- product
- QA
- devs
- devops
- Support
- Sales
When the meetings happen
There can be a tendency to get people involved, but having the wrong people can really hurt the output. Keep the focus to the group affected. For most architecture decisions its usually the team making the feature, when they plan to do the work.
For architecture decisions on cross cutting quality attributes (Usability, Security, Performance, etc) its important to have a working group that focuses on setting the policy (a good checklist) for the functional features to get built on
When making the context clear and involving the relevant participants; architecture meetings can be a reliable way to output relevant decisions. Its essential to know What we are making so we can figure out how we make it and when it happens.By taking a moment to understand the context and the problem to be addresses; the actual people that are needed to participate will become clearer and the chances of a meaningful solution will increase.
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