Monday, April 22, 2019

Scaling your web application for many users

There are many patterns of good and bad practices used when designing applications and scaling databases. This post is from lessons learned using data and databases with dozens of applications; starting with creating slow applications early in my career and scaling slow applications I didn't create later in my career.
It turns out being able to see the application through its metrics is the key to making them fast. When you can observe with clarity you can fix the major issues and know those issues are the actual performance problems. To that end let us:
  1. Understand what makes an application busy and slow
  2. Understand the data usage of highly available scale-able web applications
  3. Identity data bottle-necks in servicing requests
  4. How to monitor and let your metrics steer your strategy for what to do next.

A busy app

We've all gone to a website when it's busy and see it take 'forever' to respond to requests or just not be able to service any requests at all. Why is this happening? Its the same fundamental reason we wait in line at a checkout at the department store; the infrastructure involved can only handle a certain amount of throughput. Scale-ability is all about servicing requests, whether its a fast food restaurant or a software stack.

Littles law helps understand this phenomena:

So, to make an app faster, it has to be more efficient at using the resources available to service the requests its receiving; so you have to understand the life-cycle of the request from start to finish.
If modifying the software isn't an option, then more resources are needed; but piling on more memory and CPU speed will only take you so far. Scaling out your infrastructure properly requires software that utilizes it's environment efficiently.

Where does the data go?
Before you can make your app perform its work in a more efficient way, you will need to understand what data the app is using and where it is coming from.
Review how the data is used, and classify what is temporal data and what needs to be persisted. I put those concepts in the previous post: 

Profiling an application

At a previous start-up I was newly hired to lead the development work. During the interview I asked how the app was doing, and the reply was: "its great, but its a bit slow when people are using it. We just paid a consultant a bunch of money to put it on AWS so it should be fine".
That a pretty typical response, so I proceeded.
The first day I opened up the dashboard on AWS and the application was deployed on on instance and the database on another instance. Both machines were running at 100% CPU and consuming a bunch of memory doing it. There was one application log that had thousands of lines of exception stack traces. The bill for all of this was about 16K a month, and the budget was about 1K; so the super-green business founders were panicking.
Where do you start from there?

Here is my General Strategy:

  1. Build architecture that evolves, better ideas will come, but get on with it
  1. Measure and get clarity of what the system is doing, not guessing what it could be.
  1. Things break. Any technology that is run hard will break over time; so just deal with it. 

Sometimes AWS will swap out a load balancer at 3am when you are on vacation; stuff happens. So, its key to have monitors on all your components, with some thresholds that alert you when they have been crossed. Things like % cpu on a database machine, connections to a database, and number of requests a second. Monitor everything you can think of and fix your logging so you have clarity as to what is happening whenever you want.
Good Practice: Software isn't a mystery box. all of the components work together (well or not), so understand what is a good and bad state of any component and monitor it. Cloud providers have their own logging and monitoring tools, or use a service like datadog to get some reporting on your setup.
In your application, you may have dependencies that take some time to complete. Sending emails and generating reports are usual culprits. Use a task/message queue to get those pieces of functionality to run separate from the thread that is servicing the users request. So in the case of email, have an email task that runs separately, so your app just starts that task and continues without waiting for the email to send.

Scaling an application

The app can be horizontally scaled as long as its a stateless application; so it is not keeping data in the memory in the machine or disk, but writing to and reading from a central database.

This is why it is a key architectural practice to centralize the temporal and persisted data. Using in-memory caches and local data-stores will introduce complexity around synchronizing the outputs, and then your scaling limit is the hardware and OS on a single machine.
When caching data, Understand how old the data can be, how stale is stale? Be careful when using expiry times in caching and in general just don't use expiry unless you have to. Pushing out old data with new will get you far.

Monitor and measure requests to the application

See your log files and machine stats (htop on linux is the classic)

Use grep on specific logs to find out what gets called the most often.

grep "GET /api" logs.text | cut -d "/" -f 4 | sort -n | uniq -c
grep "POST /admin" logs.text | cut -d "/" -f 5 | sort -n | uniq -c
grep "POST /api" logs.text | cut -d "/" -f 6 | sort -n | uniq -c
grep "GET /api" logs.text | cut -d "/" -f 6 | sort -n | uniq -c
See full path
grep "GET /api" logs.text | cut -d " " -f 21 | sort -n | uniq -c
Calls to the api, vs calls for static resources
grep "GET /api" logs.text | cut -d "/" -f 4 | sort -n | uniq -c

Scaling a Database

If the application can be horizontally scaled, the database is generally the prime area for bottlenecks. Web applications servicing many requests need the database to be consistent and accurate. How do we get the data into the database efficiently so we can get it out quickly?


First the application need to connect to the database, and the connection itself can be expensive to create; so monitor the connections to the database. Use a pool of connections and borrow from that pool instead of recreating new ones for each request.


Use primary (write) and secondary (read-only) replicas to scale. Your app is probably 90% read queries, so there lot of room to grow there.

Route read-only requests

In your application code you could route some read-only queries to the replica directly. This is only a good pattern if the request is read-only in its entirety, and not updating any data to get results. The replication in the database is fast, but happens in a different thread so your results will show that.

Cache some results

In your app you have queries to the database or calls to dependencies that probably aren't changing a whole lot. Cache these results so you don't overload the db with redundant queries.

Determining Concurrent Users

1. Get max throughput (req/sec), with no wait/think time. This is a test scenario, but remember that actual usage is more variable. Users will make requests and ponder the results before taking a new action that results in another request. Factor this in to find an average time between requests.
  • req per sec = concurrent users / (response time + think time)
  • concurrent users = (response time + think time) * req per sec
Using a target response time you can determine the systems capacity. Draw a graph with multiple measurements to find out when contention starts and the system starts degrading. Graph for a base (1x usage) and an upper bounds (5 or 6x usage).

2. Optimize for hardware, CPU speed very important for db machine.

  • memory is cheap. keep data in memory, the db is the backup
  • RAM should be 3 to 6x the size of database, db should be in shared_buffers
  • stack size should be a multiple of page size, between 2-8 mb

Test and Measure

Monitoring and Metrics

  1. Log and understand the traffic and find out what queries are running long. mysql, postres have slow query logs, so try logging any query that takes longer than 5 seconds. I have discovered some 30 second queries that have bottle-necked many apps this way.
  2. Analyze the query to understand what the execution plan is. 
    1. use ANALYZE EXPLAIN to get execution plan
  3. Check indexes (in memory btree to enable fast searching). index on fields that are used in queries

What to watch for:

  • database IO
  • database connection time and total connections
  • database machine CPU
  • database machine disk io
  • cache hits

You can and should put alerts on thresholds for any of these metrics. An example would be an alert on 80% capacity of total available memory.


Create trending reports, is a pattern of steady growth? Response times should increase in a linear fashion but level off. There could be a bump for the first few requests if some caching and resources are using a lazy-load strategy, but once those are done the time for new resources should be a linear line over time.

Test Data

To replicate a production environment, or build up enough data from testing to have enough confidence the data will somewhat match a production situation. You won't be able to replicate the production load; but that isn't really the point; you are validating that your instrumentation and metrics work and provide an accurate picture of what is happening. Observe-ability is the key outcome here

Types of Tests

Load - what is the throughput of the system? Establish baseline metrics for how many requests a system can handle

Capacity - how many concurrent users can the system handle? Establish maximum users and expected users

Endurance - with expected users, run long running tests. Establish baseline hardware and other environment parameters

Read some more.....


Wrap it up!

Building a scale-able, high performing application is really about knowing the components in the application and how well they use the environment around them. If something 'feels' slow, instrument and measure the pieces to see what the issues are. The key is increasing your serviceability of the application so you know what components are slow and where you can put work into increasing the overall through-put to keep the users happy.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Data design for web applications

There are many choices of database technologies to base your application on; so how do you make sense of the options? Are you making a single user application or a service that can have thousands of users?
For web applications that have many users, the logic in the application builds more than enough complexity; so its important to simplify what tools you use around the app. To this end it is good practice to make safe and sometimes boring architectural decisions when it comes to your database.

In this post we:

  1. Understand what types of data are used in an application.
  2. What database and caching technologies are best fits for the different types of data.
  3. Go through some guidelines to create a solid datamodel foundation for an application that can be scaled for more users later.


Firstly, you need to understand all data isn't the same, and needs to be stored according to how it is used.What sort of data are you saving? How long does it have to live, how fresh does it have to be? Let this dictate your strategy for what system you are using. 
Web applications can sometime read a little bit of data from many places, while more analytical data app can have queries that can take a long time. We get into analyzing queries for performance in a different post since its important to understand how that works no matter the type of application the data is used for.
Data analysis applications have a large amounts of data, but less concurrent users than web applications. The ingestion of new data into a data warehouse is handled by pipelines that are somewhat deterministic in nature; you control when and how it happens. With a widely available web application the data is updated whenever the users are using the app, and that doesn't follow a consistent timeline.

Its important to know how 'hot' the data is; is it being updated constantly in small amounts, or is it updated at once with a lot of data to be analyzed later?

So, classify your data along the lines of:
  • Data is short living and is used often.
  • ...variations...
  • Data is long living and used rarely.
There is a big range in-between so its important to understand what data you are dealing with.
In the context of this post we are talking about using data for web applications that have many users.

Temporal/Dynamic Data

Data like session tokens are considered temporal or 'ephemeral'. This type of data has a short lifetime, and needs to be accessed quickly and frequently. Session tokens, permissions, feature flags are examples of this. They are created and used while the app is running and disposed of after the app has stopped or a users request is finished.

Pattern: Use a dedicated caching app (redis, memcached, etc) to store this type of data. Memcached and redis are great options. I have used/abused redis for many use cases and its been fast and correct no matter what the job I gave it.

For web applications, there will be assets used by the pages, like style sheets, javascript and images. For these types of artifacts they can be loaded by the webserver each time, but they don't change between requests,

Pattern: for static assets, push the persistence of them towards the user. Its good practice to cache these types of artifacts in front of the application with a reverse proxy or push them out to a CDN. This is easier than it sounds and has a tremendous effect on the user experience.

For reverse proxies, try using nginx or varnish as a quick and easy way to cache heavy artifacts up front; so all your application cpu cycles are solely spent on application requests and not serving the same file time and again.

Persistent data

When you model the application you are building, you will end up with some first class objects that need to have their data representation stored for long periods of time. Like a user object. Instead of the user creating their account each time they want to use your site, they create it once and access it many times afterwards.
Some types of data don't belong in the database at all. Logging is a great example, this is data the application produces and may seem like a good candidate to keep in the database to query for usage; but this is much better handled by logging systems. You are probably looking for a report that can take a long time to complete, and that would compete for resource time that is better left to service user requests.

What kind of database?

Like programming languages, its the understanding of the context of the problem that gives you the most insight into what to use. Options are many, saving files on disk, using various relational dbs, using new document oriented dbs.

Why not save to files?

Maybe you have made applications on your desktop and have saved data to a file. Why wont that work on a web application? Its because with web applications you have many users using your application at once, instead of just one user at a time. To support many users at once, web applications are multi-threaded; so you have many threads trying to access, update and delete items from that single file. This is called 'resource contention' and you would have to write the code around the file operations to be thread-safe.
Exercise: Try this out with a unit test that starts many thread that operate on the same file and you will see why quite quickly

Why not use the session store?

When building a web application you always have access to the session store, and it may be tempting to store data in the session and then resolve the final results in the database when the users request is finished. This is very problematic as the data is changing with many users making requests at the same time, so the validity of the data gets lots if the transactions are done whenever the request or long-living session is used. Its just more to keep in sync and not worth the extra complexity.

What does all this look like?

For a basic web app, the application uses its own memory and a database.

Pattern: Separate the storing of data in more appropriate technologies


There are different types of database technologies. This post largely covered relational databases, but there are different types of databases you can use, depending on your needs. Document dbs like mongo, and couchbase have great feature sets, but can be tricky to figure out how to use properly. Do you  have the time and budget needed figure them out? If you are building an app that does the standard CRUD operations, its probably a good idea to pick a tried and tested RDBMS and then let the usage of the application help you make decisions about what to do next. Different tools are just better for different tasks. Aerospike looks awesome in this space, with more coming up all the time.

All the multi-threaded access and ability to model your entities as data objects are in modern databases; so use them!

For Relational Data I have used Postgres with the most success, but MySql will give you good results as well. Oracle apparently has a database; but its rarely worth the money, or time lost talking to their salespeople.


Lately there has been a trend to use non-relational databases, but for many cases this is a shiny toy; you can run relational databases for many thousands of users, and the technology is very stable. New databases like mongo or couch are document oriented, and may seem like a good idea, but keep in mind the added complexity you are taking on.


Internet companies like google (spanner) and amazon (dynamodb) have created db systems for their own operations. Its fun to think of your project needing this technology; but let the usage of your application dictate when to move to these types of solutions.

Keep in mind you can run mysql or postgres in the cloud, with AWS, Azure or GCP, and they allow you to provision machines and monitor how the db uses the machine and responds to requests.
Tip: If running on AWS and you are using mysql, switch to Aurora, its a drop in replacement and will save you when running the instance hours required to service your application.

One database technology I have found to be very useful for basic webapps is the cloud datastore in Google App Engine. This scales automatically on usage and is very cheap to run in the small.

Design Steps for a datamodel

There are lots of possibilities and different solutions are useful for different problems. Here we are talking about application SQL databases that support many users and the data about them and all the data being used by the application itself to satisfy the intended use case.


Everything in stored is a table with rows and columns. Use SQL to query these tables.The relational model is a flat, 2 dimensional view of data; everything is in a table made up of rows and columns. You can do many things to represent the data to the outside, but it still resides in tables.
Learn SQL so you can look into your database without the application running with the db admin console.

Pattern: Basic steps for creating a datamodel
  1. Identify the entities and attributes
    1. usually the nouns in the spec about the data
  2. Determine the attributes types
    1. the types of the fields for the data
  3. Identify the relationships between the entities
    1. Patterns of common usage appear here
  4. Add system fields 
    1. id primary key, timestamps.
  5. Normalize enough
    1. but not too much
  6. Index fields that are searched by the application queries
    1. measure usage to see what to index


You can think of the database for the application as the foundation of a house. If its built to last, your house can be large. If its brittle, the house will fall down.
Take time when discovering relations between entities and use Normalization techniques to create a solid foundation for your application.

Saving Objects
Depending on your database and language of choice, there are tools available to map the objects you have in your app to the actual data persistence mechanism. Transactions are atomic, so make sure to prepare everything that is needed before executing the transaction. Have the steps repeatable and reversible so the transaction can be 'rolled back'.

You could be tempted to construct SQL strings in your application logic, but this approach becomes complex very quickly. Look for Object Relational Mapping tools and use them instead of rolling your own.

Identify and create relationships 
Try to flesh this out with diagrams and models before throwing foreign field keys in the tables. Many-to-many relationships need to be broken out into another table of only primary keys.
Understand referential integrity will save you in your application not having to validate these and adding complexity that can be dealt with in the database.

Normalize the entities - just keeping redundant data in it's own spot. Watch for doing too much here as performance can suffer with the resulting joins needed in the queries. Normalizing the data makes sure there is only one instance of that data, this can then be represented in multiple views.

De-normalize for performance 
3rd order normalization is probably enough. Too much normalization will put complexity in on the queries to join results and could cause performance problems at scale; but that scale needs to be very large for this to be a problem.

Pattern: Data needs to be indexed properly for efficient queries. It's like books in a library, the new books aren't just lumped into a pile; they are labels and placed in the proper location.
When indexing a database, take care to understand what parts need indexing and why. Indexing is necessary, as any lookups would be slow otherwise.


When the application gets developed over time, the database will change. Columns and indexes will be added, and some types changed. How to we change the structure of the database as we go along? This is commonly referred to as Migrations. Migrations for relational databases are sql statements that alter a column or a table for changes in the application. Be very pragmatic and disciplined about migrations.
Pattern: Version the migration the same as the software version, then its easy at a glance to see what migrations are needed for any given release.
Many platforms have built-in migration features. Django for python has a good way of keeping this organized. JOOQ for java is very slick in keeping migrations aligned.

Wrap it up!

Designing your database will take your application far if you take some time to get it correct. You will learn a lot about the application and how accurate the requirements are by taking some time on the design of your datamodel.
Understanding the relationships between entities, what entities are used more often, and how much 'work' the database can do for you instead of writing that logic in your application code.

Use the tools for the job. storing data in its appropriate place will reduce complexity in the application and allow it to grow.