Scrum time
How do we go about doing this? Let's firstly understand how Scrum can be used for organizing how people work together to build both projects and products. Scrum can be used to build anything; a bird house, a home renovation, car repair, and software. It's got nothing to do with the actual technology and everything to do with organizing the group of people doing it.It can work to realize and understand some fundamentals of how we are doing any of these things:
- where am I in building this?
- what am I trying to accomplish today?
- what are the dependencies that I need to get that done?
- what is preventing me to getting this done?
Scrum the Bad
Scrum can work, but too often its miss-used; and becomes a tracker of time sheets and velocity at the expense of the product the team is actually making. Care about adding value to the product, as no customer is paying the company for time-sheets or velocity. These metrics just don't matter in the end.
For someone managing this process, those last two points are everything. If some piece of work is dependent on other items getting done, the job is to make sure those dependencies are in order and getting done; and if those items are blocked in any way.In our home reno project; a plumber may be ready to install the bathtub, but to install it the materials need to be there(pipes and a bathtub). So the buying the tub and transporting from the store to the house is a dependency.
For software, its could be a button on the UI that submits a form; you could have your UI developer create that, but if the server API doesn't exist and the logic isn't in place to save the value in the database; then that UI developer is blocked. Ideally these dependencies are in place by the time that front end work starts.
So if Scrum is a general way to organize people, then it needs to be used in conjunction with a methodology that actually builds the technology. These are when terms like XP, FDD, Spiral come in. So, when talking about Scrum, it's really Scrum/XP or Scrum/FDD, or Scrum/RandomConversation. Only with that combination you can have a chance of starting and stopping a project; Scrum helps you organize the participants of a project; but you need a definition of starting and ending. Is Random Conversation a process? Not officially, but many organizations use it!
Product or Project?
Firstly, what is the context of the effort? is it a one-off project for a customer, or a scheduled release that adds to a product? For a one off project you have constraints of time, since you are getting paid based on the time spent and when the project is over there is no more development.For a product, the constraints are the features in the product. So the measure of success is the amount of value you add to the product, and how it sets you up for the next release. For the sake of analogy; its more like continuously growing a garden that produces vegetables than it is getting one plant growing and produce one vegetable that you give to the person asking for it.
- increased importance of maintainability since you have to live with this code for the long term. You have the opportunity to get it right over time over a number of releases, but you have to deliver enough value so the product can be used today.
- High need for innovation as your effort is trying to add value to a product that your competitors don't have. What is the differentiator in what you are making compared to the competition?
This is something that is budgeted with money, so it's a time and materials type of effort. The client is really just wanting a working tool that solves a single problem; so the need for innovation and invention generally isn't part of this. Its important to use established technology and process so that the project has a measure of predictability. This is essential. If the project ends with the technology unfinished, who is going to pay for the remaining time to complete it?- you have one chance to get it right, so there is an increased importance in requirements and design, and only building what you have time to do.
How do to this?
If you are making a product that has no customers, then you are adding features to get to a first version that you can release and get on the road of paying customers. This is where the concepts of MVP and Definition of Done apply. What is the simplest version of the product that fulfills the users goals and solves a real problem? For this, using Scrum/FDD or Scrum/XP has been very effective to constantly iterating to get you to that first release.What happens after that first release? You need to keep iterating on the product to increase its value for the next release, but you also have customers using it, so you need to respond to them and fix their issues (or not).
For this, split your effort accordingly.
- Continue to use the Scrum/whatevermethodology you used to get there, and use the same sprint cadence with people dedicated to that process. This work can be planned, you are in control of how much you take on, how much innovation is attempted and what you are happy with to release.
- Use Kanban to organize the unplanned work. As issues come in, have someone dedicated to managing this so that the customer gets a response, and the learnings from that make it as inputs to the next sprint. It may be best to have someone dedicated to support during each sprint so the other members aren't interrupted; but rotate this position as it becomes a bit of a grind)
DO NOT combined planned and unplanned work in the same process; you will end up doing neither well.
You are making technology to a specification, and that specification needs to be understood and agreed to by the customer and the builders. Getting this correct will make or break your project; so take time to get this right, and get it done. Using iterations during this phase should involve the customer and builder directly, so it's intensive in a people participation aspect, but vital that the expectations and assumptions aren't left to interpretation at the end.Depending on the project, a number of methodologies are useful here. Waterfall can work here, and the software may be part of a larger effort, so it's important to use a similar overall methodology for the whole project. This is also about predictability; so invention isn't really welcome here, and using established technology is necessary. This may seem less fun at first, but going over time and having to work for free to fulfill the expectations that were agreed upon at the start is a whole lot less fun.
Wrap it up
For Projects- Use established technologies (even if they feel old-school, the client probably isn't paying for innovation)
- Invest time in getting the specification correct, and set expectations for further changes. (Jobs to be Done, and Domain modelling)
- Aggressively remove work if its not needed
- Identify and resolve dependencies and understand whats needed
- Use Scrum with a methodology to plan and execute feature sprints. (Personas, Jobs to be Done, Quality Model)
- Use Kanban to organize unplanned work so feature work isn't interrupted and customer requests are addressed.
- Review each sprint to ensure each release is better than the last.
- Innovate and add value so that the product is needed by its users. This is a process that lasts as long as your product is successful; so foster a culture of continuous improvement to get better over time.